Fixed: Google voice on an At&t Lumia 640

I got a new phone!  It's a Microsoft/Nokia Lumia 640.*

* Full disclosure: I work for Microsoft now, but not in any business related to PR/Marketing/Phones.  This is not a promotion, and I bought this phone to replace the one I left in a Taxi due to my own ineptitude.

I ran into a snag when I was trying to configure it for my Google Voice Voicemail.  Normally all I have to do is dial a special code (**44*my Google voice number*11#) and that configures no answer/busy/offline call forwarding, but it didn't work this time.

On this phone you configure call forwarding differently.

Open Settings >> Network+ >> Call Settings >> Set
Here I was able to configure individual options for no-answer call forwarding and all is right with the world again.  Magic!

The phone is pretty good so far.  The battery life under actual use conditions is head-and-shoulders above the HTC.  I miss the physical camera button, but will eventually adapt.
