Neat trick of the day: Automatically registering additional DNS names on a Windows Box
Today I learned about this command
netdom computername (thenameofyourcomputer) /add
This writes the following in the registry
Name: "AlternateComputerNames"
It lets you register additional dynamic DNS names for a given host.
As a system administrator I think this is really handy, as I can use it to create automatically registered aliases like "Webmail" and "VDI".
As a hacker, err... applied computer security specialist, I appreciate the capability to create new DNS names for internal phishing attacks.
The sword has two sides.
netdom computername (thenameofyourcomputer) /add
This writes the following in the registry
Name: "AlternateComputerNames"
It lets you register additional dynamic DNS names for a given host.
As a system administrator I think this is really handy, as I can use it to create automatically registered aliases like "Webmail" and "VDI".
As a hacker, err... applied computer security specialist, I appreciate the capability to create new DNS names for internal phishing attacks.
The sword has two sides.